Our Lady of the Lake Chotin Center
Our Lady of the Lake has been serving the Mandeville community since the parish’s founding in 1850. The parish has provided sacramental ministry to the residents on the Northshore for over 170 years through the ministry of priests such as Fathers Joseph Outendirck and Adrien Rouquette in the 19th Century, the Benedictine monks assigned to the parish through much of the 20th Century, and priests from the Archdiocese such as Father Joseph Chotin in the latter part of the 20th Century to the present.
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School was also founded in 1890 in response to the need to educate the community’s children. A second school–Holy Family–was founded in 1897 to minister to the needs of the black community. Our Lady of the Lake’s Catholic identity has been deeply rooted in the integrated approach of serving the spiritual, intellectual, and emotional needs of the people of the Northshore, whom it has served for almost two centuries.
Sainte-Chapelle Studios served to enhance the existing history and beauty in this community. We integrated the theme of “My God, Save Me”- the phrase painted at the foot of Our Lady of the Lake on the left wall- with Christ's promise from Matthew 28:20 ("Behold, I am with you always"). Using these beautiful phrases, we aided in the sanctuary beautification, covering imperfections with a brilliant banner that magnifies this community’s devotion.
▶ Renovation of Faculty Lounge
▶ Administrative Building Lobby and Offices
▶ Sacred Art Sourcing and Installation